Thursday 26 January 2017

Ganoderma on Eye Problems

1. Presbyopia
It's a farsightedness caused by loss of elasticity of the lens of your eyes.
It occurs due to ageing.

2. Cataract
A condition where your lens lost its ability and becomes increasingly cloudy, thicken and harden, resulting in blurred vision.
It is caused by ageing, genetics, eye injury, long-term steroid consumption, diabetes and thyroid problems.

3. Glaucoma
It is a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight.
It is caused by genetics, diabetes, consumption of steroid, myopia, eye injury or if you're a smoker.

4. Dry Eyes
This is caused by lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of your eyes. It happens when you're exposed to constant irritants e.g. driving a car that has been parked under the sun, or being in aircon room or in front of the computer over prolonged periods.
It is caused by ageing, side effects of medicines such as antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure pills, Parkinson medicines and birth control pills or living in environment that is dry, dusty or has a windy climate.

5. Diabetic Retinopathy
It is a complication of diabetes that affects your eyes.
It is caused by damage to the blood vessels of the retina.

6. Age Related Macular Degeneration
It's a chronic eye disease that causes vision loss in the centre of your field of vision.
It is caused by ageing, genetics or frequent exposure to sunlight.

7. Eye Stroke
It occurs when blockages within your arteries cause decreased or distorted vision. It happens when your retina or optic nerves are cut off from nutrients or oxygen that are flowing through your blood.
It may be caused by high blood pressure or heart problems.

8. Iritis
It is an inflammation that affects your iris.
It is caused by genetic factor, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, injury to the eyes or certain medications like antibiotics.

How Ganoderma Helps Your Eye Problems

1. Ganoderma is able to prevent Eye Stroke and address Diabetic Retinopathy problems because it can:

a) regulate your blood glucose level.
b) reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol level.
c) improve your blood circulation.
d) increase the elasticity of your blood vessels.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that you may have to carry through the rest of your life. These conditions which are usually associated with diabetes:

(i) you will not go blind.
(ii) you will not have gangrene problem.
(iii) you will not have to undergo kidney dialysis.
(iv) you will not have heart and liver problems.

2. Iritis problem - Lingzhi can regulate your immune system, including T cells, B cells, natural killer cells and phagocytes.

3. Cataract -Lingzhi helps delay the clouding of your eyes.

4. Lingzhi can cleanse the blockage on the micro-blood vessels, promote faster recovery process and repair injured cells. Hence it can repair your optic nerves and lens.

Cell- 07875866633

1 comment:

  1. Macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease. The condition of this disease can develop by proper treatment. Stem cell therapy is the best treatment for this disease. This treatment has no side effect. Macular degeneration treatment
