Wednesday 25 January 2017

Ganoderma on Thyroid

Thyroid Dysfunction is the term given when an individuals Thyroid Glands stop to function normally.      

 The Thyroid Glands secrete an enzyme called Thyroxine which helps in metabolism.        

When the Glands either secrete excess of Thyroxine or less quantities of Thyroxine than what is needed by our body for normal metabolism the condition is called as Thyroid Dysfunction.        These two types of Thyroid Dysfunctions are termed as Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid.      

 In Hypothyroid the Thyroid Glands secrete less amount of Thyroxine than what is needed by our body.   

  In Hyperthyroid The Thyroid Gland secretes more amount of Thyroxine than what is needed by the human body.  

     Both these malfunctions cause uneasiness and gradually causes a lot of health problems for individuals.    

    The use of Ganoderma Lucidum for Thyroid Dysfunction is very helpful in slowly controlling the disease and also eliminating the same.     

Ganoderma Lucidum is very helpful for people suffering from Thyroid Dysfunction. It reduces the morning sickness to start with. People normally start getting tired, this will be taken care of and they will start feeling energetic and full of enthusiasm. Conditions like dry skin,depression,over weight or look to weak and skinny,tiredness and also in case of female patients irregular menstrual periods are common symptoms for Hypothyroid.   

   When a person starts taking Ganodermal Lucidum he or she will start feeling the good effects of it in a matter of 10-15 days if the intake of Ganodermal Lucidum is done in a proper manner. 

Cell- 07875866633

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