Sunday 22 January 2017

Grape Seed Extract health benefits

Grape Seed Extract is a powerful antioxidant Crosses blood brain barrier easily making it as an ideal for brain in preventing cognitive (memory) loss especially in various life style chronic neuro degenerative diseases. An effective chemo-preventive and anti-cancer agent, promotes healthy heart, regulates blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity, boosts immune function; promotes anti-aging by protecting collagen and elastin, beautifies skin and stimulates hair growth.

Meet The New Super fruit On The Block- Grape seed Extract & Its health Benefits
Surprised aren’t you? that this tiny hard seed is such a powerful thing. Trust us when we say that it is the new super fruit on the block.  Grape seeds contain really powerful anti-oxidants that have a wide range of benefits to our health. But, we cannot go very far by just crunching the few seeds. Instead, grape seeds are made into highly concentrated capsules that contain a powerful dosage of the antioxidant.
There are several health benefits associated with Grape seed Extract (GSE): It is a powerful immune booster, Effective in  Weight Management, helps in maintaining a Healthy Heart & Regulates Blood Sugar, Promotes Brain & Eye Health & also has Anti-Aging & Anti cancer properties.
Grapes are very high in Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins complexes (OPCs), which are very powerful antioxidants.  Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals, which are harmful compounds in the body that damage DNA (genetic material) and even cause cell death. Scientists believe free radicals contribute to aging, as well as the development of a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Since grape seeds are high not only in OPCs but also Vitamin E, flavonoids & linoleic acid they help in treating a variety of diseases & promoting good health.
What Makes GSE the favorite Nutritional Supplement?
  1. Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases:
If you suffer from hypertension or any other heart-related issues, you’ll need to consume many more antioxidants – in all its forms. Grape seed extract’s potent antioxidant properties help prevent the formulation of unhealthful plaque in arteries. In addition, grape seed extract promotes relaxation of the circulatory system. The flavonoids in the extract help increase flow in blood vessels, contributing to better regulation of blood.
  1. Cancer:
 Grape seed extract has been found to significantly inhibit and sometimes killed human cancer cells, while promoting the growth of normal healthy cells. GSE combined with other antioxidants, can reduce the overall risk of developing cancer.
  1. Respiratory Diseases:
Grape seed extract has been found to be beneficial in treating several respiratory conditions, like asthma, emphysema , allergies, and sinusitis.
  1. Other Benefits:
Anti Inflammatory, Treating varicose veins, anti aging, retinal diseases, glaucoma, skin diseases, sunburns etc.
ProYoung International is a leading Malaysian healthcare company and a subsidiary of DNG Group, Malaysia, with an established presence in over 40 countries. We are in the business of manufacturing generic drugs, traditional medicine, health food and cosmetics for well over thirty years since 1981.  We at ProYoung are proud to say that “We don’t just save lives we restore good health and want to keep all our customers young & healthy.”

We are proud that Grape seed Extract with MCT is one of our top selling products and has benefitted many over the years. The unique combination of GSE with MCT can only be found at ProYoung. MCT’s from coconut oil are an alternative source of energy, helps mental alertness, sleep, anxiety & depression; by stimulating metabolism leading to fat loss; helps to repair damaged lipids; promotes anti-aging, anti-cancer, detoxification, thyroid function, hormone production, promotes anti-inflammatory effect and improves milk supply in nursing mother’sThis unique combination of GSE with MCT oil doubles the health benefits
Myths & Facts:
Anti oxidants are also available in Vitamin C &E which is easily available in the market and is cheaper. Why GSE?
GSE provides more anti oxidant power than Vitamin C & E. Grape extract is more effective by almost 50% than Vitamin C and 20% than Vitamin E.  
How long can we safely take GSE?
There is no set number of days to take Grape seed Extract. It can safely be taken for a long period of time. There are people who take GSE for years without any side effects.
Who can take these supplements? Why is it needed?
In today’s environment, high stress and a sedentary lifestyle there is a high chance of heart diseases, cancer etc. We need antioxidant protection. ProYoung’s GSE with MCT Oil is the perfect & a very convenient way to get this. It’s not only necessary to have a long life but it is essential to have a healthy, disease free life & this is possible by being proactive and including this as a daily supplement in your diet.
If I’m taking other medicines for chronic diseases like heart and hypertension can I still use GSE?
Yes you can use it safely. However it is essential to consult with your doctor before beginning with any medicines.
Are there any side effects?
None that we are aware of. However in rare cases there could be an allergic reaction. Please check with your doctor.
GSE with MCT is available in a capsule form. The general dosage is 1-2 capsules per day.


  1. Its really great really works..thank u Proyoung

  2. As a global Contract Research Organization (CRO), headquartered in New York, USA, Alfa Chemistry has served the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries for eight years. Chinese dwarf cherry seed Extract
