Wednesday 25 January 2017

Ganoderma - Top 5 Benefits and How it Gives You Beauty and Health

1) Ganoderma is a powerful detoxifier. it purifies our bloodreduces acidity in our body and protects our liver functions - basically "overhauls" our body.  If your body is heaty, you feel tired easily, get sore throat and have occasional constipation - take ganoderma.

2) Ganoderma is an adaptogen with a dual-modulating function. It has an overall normalising effect on our body e.g. on the one hand, it helps lower high blood pressure but on the other hand, it helps produce more red blood cells for people with anaemia (low blood pressure) - 2 directly opposite problems.  Another example: it alleviates hyperactive immune system which causes arthritis/eczema but fortifies weak immune system so you don't fall sick so easily.

Take skincare products for example - the cosmetics counter salespeople will always ask whether your skin type is oily or dry before suggesting which product to take, right? However, because of ganoderma's dual-modulating function, it doesnt matter whether your skin is dry or oily - you can use the same product because of ganoderma's regulating function. In other words, you never end up using the wrong product.

3) Ganoderma slows down ageing by eliminating free radicals and increasing our cells' oxygen intake when the toxins jamming up the cells have been eliminated - you look youthful for many more years. You'll only start developing wrinkles, sagging and dehydrated skin, crow's feet, fine lines etc at an older age.

4) Ganoderma is an enabler as it improves our body's overall immunity and defensive system so that we're not so vulnerable to common cold, H1N1 flu, cancer etc. This is very important for young kids whose immune systems are not so developed yet.

5) Ganoderma has a scanning function as it highlights hidden diseases that we're not aware of. We're then able to address these potential problems and nip them in the bud.

Cell- 07875866633


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