Sunday 22 January 2017

Proyoung NUTRIBEARS for childrens

Nutribears with MCT

ProYoung Nutribears multivitamin is an excellent confectionery product for children. A single serving (2 gummies) contain 50% RDA as all essential vitamins, including B complex, which are vital for overall growth and development as children.

ProYoung Nutribears is 100% vegetarian, made from apple Pectin and Natural sugars. They do not contain any preservatives of flavor enhances and Hence it is very safe for the children above 2 Years.


Vitamin A: Prevent macular degenerationboosts immune system. Vitamin A deficiency leadsto blindness & increases Cancer.

B3 (Niacin): Lowers LDL & Increases HDL cholesterol, prevents pellagra, reduces the incidence of asthma induced wheezing by preventing histamine release.

B6: Helps to create neurotransmitters, an important brain function of memory, helps in relieving symptoms of tingling & numbness. Helps in Asthma by decreasing histamine levels & also helps in heart disease.

B7 :( Biotin): Controls blood sugar levels

B9: (Folic Acid): Essential for normal nerve function. Decreases homocysteine level there by decreases theincidence of heart disease & stroke. Protects a woman’s fetus from birthdefects of the brain & spine.

B12: Deficiency increases homo cysteine levelmemory loss, confusion, fatigue, loss of balance numbness& tingling.

Vitamin C:  Powerful antioxidant, boosts immune function, decreases histamine levels there by decreases asthma & allergies, inhibits replication of HIV, regulates blood sugar level in diabetes, and improves wound healing.

Vitamin D: Playsan important role in bone health, and boosts immune function.

Vitamin E: Powerful antioxidant, fights heart disease, prevents cancer, and boosts immune system & alleviates respiratory diseases.

    Kids ( 2 to 6 years) - 2 to 3 gummies, 
    Kids ( 7 to 12 years) - 4 t0 5 gummies, 
    12 years and above - 4 to 6 gummies

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